Rooted in The Future: Forest Fire Management
Video Screening
Rooted in The Future: Short Film Screening and Discussion with Dovetail Partners
Held Wednesday, May 15th
We all have a caretaking responsibility to the places in which we live. Our forests in Northern Minnesota need tending as they face threats from disease, insect infestations, fire, and climate change impacts. Rooted in the Future is a short film developed by Dovetail Partners intended to inspire landowners to develop and implement a plan to do that caretaking. The film highlights landowners, contractors, and land stewards in Northern Minnesota and their efforts to care for their forestland, to build wildfire resiliency and help the land be the healthiest it can be.

Gloria Erickson
Dovetail Partners Inc.
Gloria works for Dovetail Partners, Inc., as their Fire Adapted Communities Project Manager. For over 10 years she has partnered with other fire practioners to educate and provide tools to empower private landowners and communities to be more wildfire resilient. Building relationships, providing information and expertise, and offering tools to assist landowners and communities is the cornerstone of her work.

Eliza Meyer
Dovetail Partners Inc.
Eliza is a project director at Dovetail Partners, where she contributes to Dovetail’s research and communications around forest sustainability. Eliza has a degree in Sociology from Grinnell College and currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is passionate about building positive relationships between people and land.
Resources for MN Land Stewardship and Wildfire Resiliency:
Minnesota Fire Adapted Communities
Woodland Stewardship Plans (DNR)
Find Your DNR Regional Forester
Find your Soil and Water Conservation District
UofM Guidebook to Woodland Stewardship
SFI Sustainable Management Guide and Resources
Tools for Living with Fire Event Registration
USDA Forest Service – Managing Fire
Trends and Solutions in Wildfire Management
Minnesota Arrowhead Fire Adapted Communities
Current Fire Rating Danger and Burning Restriction Map
About dovetail partners
Dovetail Partners is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation providing authoritative information about the impacts and trade-offs of environmental management, including consumption of choices, land use decisions, and policy alternatives. Dovetail provides a highly skilled team that fosters sustainability and responsible behaviors through collaboration to develop unique concepts, systems, models, and programs. Dovetail also serves as the Fire Adapted Communities hub coordinator for the Upper Midwest and is involved in assisting with community-driven wildfire reduction efforts in the region.