Community Planning in Greater Minnesota
Held September 2023
We’ve all heard the term “community planning” but what does that really mean?
If you’ve ever thought:
I have all these ideas for ways to better my community, but I don’t know how to make them happen.
How can I even get more involved in planning my community?
I’d love to get involved but I am so busy! Do I have to run for office to make a difference and have my voice heard?
We’ve had the same thoughts; we’ve asked the same questions; We get it.
That’s why 100 Rural Women and the MN APA Women in Planning Committee teamed up to host an online event to tackle all those topics and more.
Speakers Sydnee Stroeing, Megan Boeck, and Rita Albrecht spoke about their own professional journeys and how folks can get more involved in planning in their communities. Attendees will walk away having a better understanding of community planning, what it is, and how to get involved in their own communities. Civic engagement can refer to a wide variety of opportunities, paid or volunteer, political or nonpolitical. However, you want to get involved, we want to help you do that.
meet the speakers

Sydnee Stroeing
Planning specialist: City of Owatonna
Growing up in a small town in Northern Minnesota, Sydnee had never heard of city planning. After leaving home for the big city to attend college at the University of Minnesota, she was introduced to the Urban Studies Program while searching for a major. In this program, Sydnee learned about city planning and became fascinated with learning about how planners assist communities in shaping their built environment. She graduated from this program in December of 2022 and began looking for a job to start her career. Sydnee began her first full-time role in planning and community development as the Planning Specialist for the City of Owatonna where she has been working for the past 5 months.

Megan Boeck
City Planner: City of Albert Lea
Megan Boeck is the City Planner for the City of Albert Lea where she leads the community and economic development activities for the city. Over the course of a nearly 15 year career, she has gained extensive city government experience. Prior to Albert Lea, Megan worked for the cities of Fairmont, Wells and Winnebago. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Urban and Regional Studies from Minnesota State University.

Rita Albrecht
Served as City Planner, on City Council & as Mayor of Bemidji
Rita Albrecht served ten years in Bemidji city government; two years as a council member and eight years as mayor. She was first elected mayor of Bemidji in 2012 and served 4 (2-year) terms through 2020. Albrecht’s professional career in planning and development included positions in municipal, regional, tribal, and state government. Albrecht retired as NW Regional Director at Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in 2019. She was appointed to LCCMR by Gov. Walz in 2021.
Albrecht and her husband live in Bemidji and have two grown children and five grandchildren.

Lori Johnson
Senior Professional Community Planner with WSB
Lori is a Senior Planner with WSB with 27 years of experience who has made a life changing career move from the public to the private sector later in her career. She has worked for large cities, including the City of Blaine for 24 years, and has worked for small cities within the Twin Cities metro area. She has many thoughts to share about the value of public service and how it can enhance your civic experience. Lori is passionate about leadership, public engagement and the planning profession as a whole.

Revée Needham
Assistant City Planner: City of Northfield
Revee is the Assistant City Planner for the City of Northfield where she focuses on Northfield’s beloved downtown by coordinating the Main Street program and working in historic preservation. She recently graduated from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs with her Master of Urban and Regional Planning. As a young professional, she is eager to continue learning from mentors and encourage others in the field.
Resources and Recording from the Webinar
Links Shared:
- The national APA has a division focused on county planning:
- They might have some resources!
- A few resources on age-friendly policies: