Park Rapids Enterprise Article: Empowering Women to Lead Conference

A picture of the founder of 100 Rural Women, Teresa Kittridge, speaking at the Empowering Women to Lead Conference in Walker, MN on Sept. 16, 2022. She is wearing a blue blouse and glasses, with short grey hair.
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Park Rapids Enterprise: “Bancroft and others motivate more women to lead”

Read this article from Park Rapids Enterprise about the Empowering Women to Lead Conference!

Excerpt from Article:

“It was a day of inspiration and connection for the 300 attendees at the “Empowering Women to Lead” conference, hosted by the GFWC Nevis Women’s Club.

The day-long event, held Sept. 16 in Walker, was designed ‘to provide support and encouragement for women to grow and achieve success throughout their personal and career journeys.’

A succession of five speakers – especially polar explorer Ann Bancroft – offered uplifting life stories, along with vital tips to inspire women and connect them with resources.”

About Park Rapids Enterprise

The Park Rapids Enterprise is based out of Park Rapids, Minnesota, serving Hubbard County and the surrounding areas.


About the Conference

On September 16th, 2022, our Founder and President, Teresa Kittridge and four other amazing women leaders had the opportunity to speak at the Empowering Women to Lead Conference in Walker, MN. The key note speaker was Ann Bancroft, one of the most preeminent polar explorers in the world.

At this event, Kittridge briefly outlined her career prior to the founding of 100 Rural Women. She explained how her experiences within areas such as the Minnesota Legislature served as partial inspiration for the organization. One observation she made: we need more women in leadership positions. Although, not just politically, but in every sector. Kittridge then discussed the barriers and challenges that rural women face in a largely hierarchical structure. Further, how increased women leadership can help improve the discourse in America.

The goal of the conference was to empower more women to lead. Attendees were given the chance to hear from and interact with each of the speakers, providing them with inside looks at different forms of leadership.

Learn More About the Conference Speakers: