Midterm Elections Overview

**disclaimer, this news post was written shortly after the midterm elections completed.

What are the Midterm Elections?

The Midterm Election is a special type of election in which it focuses on the two parts that make up the legislative branch/Congress. In Congress, you have the Senate which consists of 50 members and the House of Representatives that contains 435 members. The purpose of congress is to pass different legislations for the American people. Read more about the Midterm Elections. 

An image about the 2022 Midterm Elections.

Top issues Americans voted for

During the Midterm elections, voters had many reasoning to get out to vote. Pew Research gathered and composed the most popular issues in which voters were concerned about during the Midterm elections. The number one issue that voters were consistently concerned about would be the economy. In their survey in October, it is found that about 79% of registered voters (regardless of political affiliation) though that the economy is very important to consider when voting for a specific candidate for congress. Here are the other issues voters were concerned about by political party in the picture listed below. Read more about the issues Americans voted for. 

Outcome of the Midterm Elections:

In the Mid-Term election results the House of Representatives flips to the Republican control with leading with 221 Representatives to 214 Democratic Representatives. The Senate flipped over to the Democratic party with leading with 50 Blue senators and 49 Red senators, there will be a run-off election in Georgia with the Democratic nominee R. Warnok and the Republican nominee H. Walker. If you are in Georgia, make sure to vote! Read more about the outcomes of the Midterm Elections.

by Kunal Shukla