Engaging Rural Women Everywhere with Whitney Kimball Coe
Breakfast Club Webinars
Engaging Rural Women Everywhere with Whitney Kimball Coe
Tuesday, October 12th at 8:30 am CST
Learn more about our conversation With Whitney Kimball Coe, her leadership journey and her work lifting up Rural Women and convening the conference “Rural Women Everywhere”.
Click here for Webinar video
Whitney Kimball Coe
vice president and Director of National Programs
Whitney Kimball Coe is a vice president and Director of National Programs for the Center for Rural Strategies. Kimball Coe directs the work of the National Rural Assembly, a program that brings together rural leaders and advocates from every region with national public- interest organizations, funders, and policymakers in ways that inform public policy and private investment in rural people and places. In 2017, she was a featured speaker at the inaugural summit of the Obama Foundation and a guest on the radio program On Being with Krista Tippett. Her focus on building civic courage in communities is directly tied to a practice of participation in her hometown of Athens, Tennessee, where she lives with her husband Matt and daughters, Lucy and Susannah. Coe has a MA in Appalachian studies from Appalachian State University in North Carolina and an undergraduate degree in religion and philosophy from Queens University of Charlotte.
Follow on Twitter @ruralassembly & @whitneykcoe
Find her on Instagram @whitneykcoe & @rural_assembly
Resources and Recording from the Webinar
Click HERE for the recording of the Tuesday, October 12th Webinar with Whitney Kimball Coe
More resource links to come following the webinar
Pesenter Information:
Links for Whitney:
Follow on Twitter @ruralassembly & @whitneykcoe
Find Whitney on Instagram @whitneykcoe & @rural_assembly
Conference Oct 19-20 “Rural Women Everywhere”
Speaker Lineup for Conference
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