MPR News: The U.S. urban-rural divide

Photo: Students from St. Olaf College sit in a circle as they have pizza on the lawn near the 101-year-old red barn at the Red Barn Farm near Northfield, Minn.

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A Special Minnesota Now: The U.S. urban-rural divide is mostly a myth. Here’s what’s real.

There are obvious physical variances between the urban and rural landscapes of America. Then, of course, there exist differences in what drives these areas economically. But, how else do we differ? How big is the gap between urban and rural? This episode of the MPR News with Kerri Miller podcast explores the concept of the urban-rural gap, spending time outlining the realities of rural America.

Within this episode, the host, Kerri Miller, and her guests discuss several issues concerning rural women. Given that a strong, patriarchal culture exists in these areas, women commonly are met with “natural” barriers to leadership. Additionally, there exists less opportunity for women in rural areas compared to urban areas.

Listen in as they discuss the challenges women face and how 100 Rural Women is playing an important role in overcoming these challenges. Specifically, how the Civic Mentorship Network supports more women leadership.

Podcast Episode Description:

America is a land divided between those who dwell in cities — diverse, educated, and growing economically — and those who live in the country — white, uneducated, and dependent on dying industries.

Or so the narrative goes.

But research shows the so-called urban-rural divide is mostly a myth that is hurting the country as a whole.

MPR News host Kerri Miller and two guests — both of whom have deep roots in rural America — debunked some myths and shed some light on the realities of rural America.


  • Lisa Pruitt is a professor of law at UC Davis School of Law where she specializes in rural issues. She will be at the Westminster Town Hall Forum on October 25 to host a session called “Mending the Rural-Urban Rift.”
  • Loka Ashwood is a sociologist and an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky, where she focuses on rural communities and their participation in democracy.


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