Latest Past Events

Webinar: Farm Bill 101 and More

Farm Bill Panel: 101 and More New farm bills are passed every five years and can have impact for decades. We hope you can join us for this real-time update on policymaking that significantly impacts rural America What is the Farm Bill? How does it affect our lives and communities? What progress has been made [...]

Webinar: Voices Against Vaping

Register HERE Vaping, originally introduced as a cessation device, has quickly become an epidemic in our nation. Join us as we highlight people and organizations doing the important work to research, educate, and provide resources. Dr. Irina Stepnov will answer questions about her research followed by our team member, Alexa Jo Schafer, highlighting organizations and [...]

Webinar: Clearing the Air: the Dual Toll of Vaping on Mind and Body

Register HERE Vaping, originally introduced as a cessation device, has quickly become an epidemic in our nation. With more and more people entering hospitals due to vaping injuries, the true intention behind its use has been called into question. Health professionals far and wide are noticing negative impacts not only on people’s physical health but [...]