Ask a Leading Woman with Beth Peterson

Held Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

Beth shared her life experiences and current work followed by a Q & A session. We invite you to join us exactly as you are for an empowering presentation about the different paths leadership can take in rural areas. Missed it? No problem. Watch the recording below.

Watch The Recording

A picture of a woman with short brunette hair wearing a blue sweater with a colorful scarf smiling. She is standing in front of an outdoor scene in winter.

Beth Peterson

Senior State Director at Vote Run Lead Minnesota.

Beth Peterson is passionate about reducing poverty in rural, Northeast Minnesota. She has successfully advocated for policy changes that directly affect the ability of women and girls to move to self-sufficiency, from early childhood education and access to non-traditional career pathways. Beth has run numerous political campaigns and she served one-term as City Councilor in Eveleth, Minnesota. She holds a bachelor’s degree in applied psychology from the University of Minnesota–Duluth and is a founding Board member of Rural and American Indigenous Leadership (RAIL). Beth also sits on the Apple Tree Learning Center Board and the Aurora Food Shelf Board and is a former member of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Northeast Advisory Team. As a wife and mother to three, Beth enjoys volunteering in the community with her family. Her children provide her daily occasions to learn about the human condition.

About Ask a Leading Woman

Welcome to our Ask A Leading Woman series, one of our organization’s projects dedicated to featuring amazing women leaders in rural! Currently, the majority of leadership roles in rural are held by men, meaning we don’t always get the same opportunity to witness strong women leadership. Ask a Leading Woman is an opportunity for our community to actively engage with leading women by hearing about their pathway to leadership and asking questions. Learn more information here.

Another way we highlight rural women is through our Spotlight Profiles! While they are similar projects in that they highlight women doing incredible work, they differ in how they’re executed. Spotlight Profiles are not public meetings, but the recordings are available on our YouTube. These go more in-depth about their story, what they do, and their advice.