100 Rural Women collaborates on workshop with Rethinking Rural at the National Rural Women’s Summit featuring incredible rural leaders. Greenville SC October 29,2019

A picture of six women smiling together at a conference.

Empowering Rural Women’s Leadership

A highly interactive workshop. The first hour was 7-minute rapid fire presentations by incredible rural female leaders sharing their stories, their success, life balance tips, obstacles they’ve overcome and their visions for a brighter future. The second hour will be roundtable intensives facilitated by the presenters.  Learning how we can better support each other as rural women, what structures, strategies, approaches, networks or models can be valuable to build stronger relationships and a more inclusive future and what gaps may exist that we as a network can fill. We closed the session with summaries from each table, identifying and lifting up models for folks to take home with them and how to build a network from the workshop and summit overall.

Led by:

Teresa Kittridge, 100 Rural Women (@100ruralwomen)
Madeline Moore, Rethinking Rural (@rethinkingrural)


Molly Johnston, Dance Barn Collective (@dancebarncollective)

Nevada Littlewolf, Women Winning (@nrlittelwolf)

Morgan McManus, Clemson University, 4-H

Jessica Tantisook, North Coast Food Web (@northcoastfoodweb)